
Program Introduction
Qualification and Certification
Application and Enrollment
Course Arrangement
Professors Introducation
Accommodation Information
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  Program Introduction

The China Center for Financial Research (CCFR) is a research and education institution of TsinghuaUniversity in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute Technology Sloan School of Management. CCFR is dedicated to high quality research and education in finance.It aims at providing a first-rate open research platform to promote research on China financial system and an education platform by international standards for finance researchers/educators, practitioners and policy makers.

The Program will be staffed by established finance scholars to offer a complete set of Ph.D. level courses on modern finance and a research workshop.The Program is targeted to finance faculty, researchers and graduate students who are interested in a systematic, comprehensive and in depth exposure to the foundations of modern finance, theories and practices, research methodologies as well as current topics.The curriculum is equivalent to those of the top finance Ph.D. programs in the world.

Training program course offerings:

  • Financial Economics
  • Advanced Corporate Finance
  • Capital Market and Capital Pricing Theory
  • Empirical Finance
  • Financial Institution
  • International Finance
  • Research Project Training
  • Selected topics

The first four courses above are fundamental courses and open in a two-year cycle. Other courses will follow in rotation. The students who complete the first four courses will get a Course Complete Certificate. Besides, invited scholars will speak on current research topics and exchange with workshop participants in open discussions on research development and methodology.

Standing faculty of the training program:

Cao Quanwei£ºPennsylvania State University£¬CCFR

Chen Zhiwu £ºYale University£¬CCFR

Gao Bing£ºUniversity of North Carolina£¬CCFR

Huang Haizhou£ºInternational Monetary Fund£¬CCFR

Mei Jianping£ºNew York University£¬CCFR

Song Fengming£ºFinancial Dept. in Tsinghua University£¬CCFR

Wang Jiang£ºMIT£¬CCFR

Wang Tan£ºUniversity of British Columbia£¬CCFR

Zhang Chun£ºUniversity of Minnesota£¬CCFR

Zhou Guofu £ºUniversity of Washington at St. Louis£¬CCFR



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  Copyright 2006 by China Center for Financial Research (CCFR),Tsinghua University All rights reserved .
  http://www.ccfr.org.cn Tel:8610-62773180