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  Course Arrangement for This Term

Time:July 1-7,2006

1. Financial Economics (July 1-3)

Course Description:

This course covers the foundations of modern financial theory and applications. Main topics include: decision under uncertainty, consumption and portfolio choices, asset pricing theories under perfect market (arbitrage-based and equilibrium-based asset pricing models), corporate finance theory under perfect markets, and asset pricing theory under imperfect markets.


(1) C£®Huang and R.Litzenberger, Foundation of Financial Economics

(2) J£®Ingersoll, Theory of Financial Decision Making.

2. Advanced Corporate Finance (July 4-6)

Course Description:

This course introduces the different topics in corporate finance theory, including capital structure theory analysis and research status quo, payout policy, merger and acquisition theory and research status quo, capital acquisition process and the recent develop of corporate finance theory.


(1) Jean Tirole, Notes on Corporate Finance.

(2) This course relies more on research papers.

3. Workshop on Advance Topics to Finance (July 7)

The workshop consists of two parts. In the first part, invited scholars will speak on selected advanced topics in finance. In the second part, open discussions are conducted with the speakers on current topics and developments in finance.


4. How to get and use financial data

Course Description:

This course will contain contents as follows:the introducation to financial databases and their features,how to use the financial data supermarket,what should be considered when using the financial data.




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