

首页  大会日程  组织机构 论坛讲者 论文研讨 协办单位 大会联系
1 Money and Banking(货币和银行)主持人:  
  李杨 The theory and practice of China's money market  
  QI Jianping Integration of Lending and Underwriting: Implications of Scope Economies 徐信忠(北京大学)
  沈大白 杨佳宁 台湾地区银行市场风险 俞樵(复旦)/陆军(岭南)
2 Global Capital Market(全球资本市场)主持人:   
  曹凤岐 入世将加速证券市场国际化进程  
  LI Kai The Growth of Global Equity Markets: A Closer Look 王爱俭(天津财经学院)
  MEI Jianping Measuring Private Information Trading In Emerging Markets 陈伟忠(同济大学)
3 Fixed Income Market(固定收益市场)主持人:   
  DAI Qiang Term Structure Dynamics in Theory and Reality 方兆本(中国科技大学)
  YANG Baochen, Joseph KANG Convexity-Based Hedging with Treasury Futures: A Model and Numerical Analysis PENG Lin
  HUANG Jingzhi Structure Model of Corporate Bond Pricing: An Empirical Analysis 周春生(北京大学)
4 Law, Regulation and Financial Institution(法律、监管和金融体制)主持人:   
  Katharina Pistor, Chenggang Xu Enforcement under Incomplete Law: Theory and Evidence from Financial Market Regulation 江曙霞(厦门大学)
  吴  华 股市的内在脆弱性和政府的作用--理论和近期国有股减持的案例 QIAN Jun
5 Market Liquidity(市场流动性)主持人:   
  CHEN Zhiwu Discounts on Illiquid Stocks: Evidence from China 郭建伟(西安交大、人行)
  Yang Zhishu, Li Zinai, Liu Feng Ownership Structure, Bid-Ask Spreads, and Market Liquidity LI Wei
  雷鸣  缪柏其 宁静 运用生存模型与极值理论对上证指数与成交量的研究 SU Tie
6 Empirical Finance(实证金融)主持人:  
  宋逢明 田  萌 简单技术分析投资策略与中国股票市场的可预测性 YAO Tong
  XU Yexiao A First Look at Closed-end Funds in China 郭菊娥(西安交大)
  谢朝斌 重塑市场投资价值基础:上市公司股利分配行为实证研究 CAO Quanwei(曹泉伟)
7 Development of Financial Market and Institutions(金融市场与金融机构的发展)主持人:   
  HUANG Haizhou Financial Institutions, Financial Contagion, and Financial Crises 沈坤荣(南京大学)
  何佳 曾勇 The Impact of the Speed of Innovation Arrival on the Innovation Adoption Timing: The Case of Two Generations of Future Innovations 姜彦福(清华大学)
8 Credit Market(信贷市场)主持人:   
  Dantao ZHU Inequality, Credit Market Imperfections, Segmentation, and Economic Growth 赵昌文(四川大学)
  戴立洪 抵押担保债券品种设计及经济效益分析 YU Fan
9 Corporate Finance(公司财务)主持人:  
  王震 刘力 经营困境公司价值相关性研究 LIU Qiao
  房四海 姜彦福 周克 债务、投资与产品市场行为 万迪昉(西安交通大学)
  YU Xiaoyun Liquidity Premium and Informational E?ciency as the Determinants of Capital Structure 吕长江(吉林大学)
  BAI Chong-en, LIU Qiao,Frank SONG Value of Corporate Control: Evidence from China's Distressed Firms 王克敏/陈井勇(吉大)
10 Financial Econometrics & Statistics(金融计量和统计)主持人:   
  张尧庭 对金融风险度量的一些看法 DUAN Jinchuan
  HONG Yongmiao, LI Haitao Nonparametric Specification Testing for Continuous-Time Models with Application to Spot Interest Rates 王庆石(东北财大)
  ZHOU Guofu The HJ-distance: Geometry and Exact Distribution ZHANG Chu(香港科技大学)
  聂祖荣 李波 股票投资价值灰色系统模型及应用 董太亨(浙江财院)
11 Equilibrium Asset Pricing(资产均衡定价)主持人:   
  史树中 What is CAPM without Shortselling? CAO Henry
  OUYANG Hui An Equilibirum Model of Asset Pricing and Moral Hazard 陈忠阳(中国人民大学
  XIONG Wei Overconfidence and Speculative Bubbles 韩立岩(首都经贸大学)
  WU Guojun The Behavior of Uninformed Investors and Time-Varying Informed Trading Activities 郭多祚(东北财经大学)
12 Portfolio Choice(组合选择)主持人:   
  陈灯塔 Portfolio Selection in Bilateral Partial Moment Framework MA Tongsu
  LIU Jun Endogenous Retirement, Endogenous Labor Supply, an Wealth Shocks 雍炯民(复旦大学)
  ZHANG Huibin Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Stochastic Labor Income 吴荣(南开大学)
  LIU Hong Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Stocks 李仲飞(岭南学院)



