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China International Conference in Finance
July 2-5, 2008
Dalian, China

The 6th China International Conference in Finance provides an open platform to bring together scholars, worldwide, to present research and to stimulate discussions on new developments in finance. It will be held in Dalian from July 2 to July 5, 2008. Facing the sea on three sides, Dalian is a beautiful port city at the southern tip of Liaoning Peninsula in northeast China. The city exhibits all the comforts of traditional leisure, as well as modern recreational facilities.

Keynote Speaker: 

Michael Brennan
Professor Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles

Gifford Fong
President, Gifford Fong Associates



China Center for Financial Research, Tsinghua University


Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology




Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business




Dongbei University of Finance & Economics



 China Center for Financial Research, TsinghuaUniversity
    Tel:+86-10-62773180   62795748     Fax:+86-10-62773180 
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